Plan Your Stay

We will customize your experience at Structure House based on your personal preferences. You make the decisions, and we’ll design the stay that’s best for you.

How Do I Begin?

Your journey to a healthier tomorrow starts with one phone call. Our Structure House team is eager to meet you and begin crafting the right package for your needs. We will make sure you get all the answers needed before making your decision. Feel free to give our experts a call at (877) 466-2477 or explore more below.

Check-in Criteria

A Structure House participant must meet the following three general criteria:

  • Age 18 or above
  • Mobile and capable of attending to personal care

We do accept individuals who have certain mobility limitations.  Please contact our admissions team to learn how we can support you.

Individualized Plans

Structure House participants are empowered to focus on areas of our program that most closely meet their physical and emotional needs. Our staff is well-versed in assisting participants with a wide variety of difficulties, including but not limited to the following:

  • Binge-eating disorder
  • Compulsive overeating
  • Diabetes
  • Anxiety, depression, and other co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Sleep apnea and other weight-related conditions

To determine if we can provide you with any specialized services that you may need to achieve your goals, please feel free to contact Structure House at your convenience.

What to Expect When You Call

As noted above, our goal is to ensure that your entire Structure House experience is positive and beneficial, starting with your initial conversation with a member of our team.

When you call Structure House, you will be put in touch with a caring and friendly member of our admissions staff. During this conversation, we will be eager to hear about your goals, answer any questions, and help you determine whether Structure House is a great fit for your needs.

If this conversation ends with the decision that Structure House is right for you, all that is left to do is to set your admissions date and start looking forward to your healthier future!

Learn More Today

At Structure House, our goal is to equip you with the most comprehensive and effective toolkit for reaching your weight loss goals. We also understand one size does not fit all. This is why we offer you a variety of package options and flexible lengths of stay. Our weight loss specialists are available to assist you in figuring out which program is best for you.

We understand that the amount of information circulating through the media is astounding. We believe simple concepts such as “move more and eat less” do not always work. We use a number of different tools to help you change your behaviors with food and improve your overall health.

To learn more about our criteria, our check-in process, or any other aspect of the Structure House experience, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you decide if our resort & spa is the perfect place for you.

feel like I can conquer anything now

As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

Learn More about Losing Weight at Structure House

It's Time – you're ready to Start Your Personalized Weight Loss Journey

Our team will take your call 24/7.
Call (877) 466-2477 or fill out the form below.

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