Best Weight Loss & Diabetes Treatment Center

You deserve more than quick fixes or temporary solutions. At Structure House, you’ll receive personalized guidance to promote long-term healing from diabetes.

Learn More About Diabetes Treatment

Learn more about how Structure House can help with diabetes management

The sooner an individual recognizes the signs and symptoms of diabetes and talks with his or her doctor about his or her health, the sooner a diagnosis can be determined and treatment can begin. Managing diabetes, whether a person has Type 1 or 2 or is pre-diabetic, requires regular monitoring of one’s blood sugar levels. However, people with Type 2 Diabetes, the form of this condition that is primarily caused by poor eating habits that result in weight gain, can successfully manage their blood sugar via medical treatment and certain lifestyle changes. At Structure House, we understand the costs to a person’s health when diabetes is present in his or her life and believe it is important that he or she receives care to treat diabetes effectively. We also believe that a crucial way to reduce the risks associated with diabetes is to live a healthy lifestyle that includes nutritious foods and ample exercise. For these reasons, our center is proud to offer exemplary treatment for individuals who wish to lose weight and manage their diabetes.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for diabetes

When a loved one is suffering from a weight concern and the complications that are associated with diabetes, it is not uncommon for close friends and family members to feel worried. You, as a concerned friend or family member, can, however, play an integral part in helping the person you care about in getting the lifesaving care that he or she needs in order to live a long and healthy life. Consider taking the following steps:

  • If you are concerned that your loved one is suffering from diabetes, it is a good idea to educate yourself on the warning signs of this condition, take note of any signs that are present, and strongly urge your loved one to speak with his or her doctor.
  • If your loved one has already been diagnosed with diabetes, you can be of great help to him or her by encouraging your loved one to adhere to any recommendations made by his or her doctor. This can include reminding your loved one to take any medication that may have been prescribed.
  • If your loved one has expressed a desire to lose weight as a means of managing his or her diabetes symptoms, offer to assist him or her in researching a weight loss treatment provider.
  • When searching for a weight loss treatment provider, consider one that is able to care for your loved one’s diabetes symptoms.
  • Once a provider is chosen, offer to accompany your loved one to any tours of the center.

Finally, it is a good idea to offer your unwavering support to your loved one as he or she receives treatment. A great way to do this is by encouraging your loved one to stick with treatment recommendations set by his or her provider.

Read more about helping a loved one through diabetes weight loss interventions.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for diabetes at Structure House

Those who are suffering from the symptoms of diabetes require medical intervention in order to avoid a number of adverse consequences. Experts agree that living a healthy lifestyle, eliminating excess body weight, and adopting a diabetes treatment regimen are the best ways to prevent or avoid these consequences. Especially if an individual is battling a weight concern at the same time, the presence of untreated or poorly managed diabetes can increases a person’s chances of developing heart disease or having a stroke, both of which can be fatal. Additionally, without treatment, those with diabetes are known to suffer from permanent nerve damage, infections, ulcers, hearing loss, and vital organ failure. And because of these health risks, men and women with diabetes are at a heightened risk for limb amputations and blindness. Lastly, with regards to women who are pregnant and suffering from this condition, there is a possibility for a number of complications if this condition is not well-managed. Fortunately, there are viable diabetes treatment options in existence that can help manage blood sugar levels in an effective way and place focus on living a healthier lifestyle.

If you feel that you are in crisis, or are having thoughts about hurting yourself or others, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.

Types of Treatment

Types of diabetes treatment offered at Structure House

At Structure House, we are fully committed to providing those who are entrusted into our care with the opportunity to develop the tools needed to not only lose weight, but to change their overall lifestyle for the better. We remain steadfast in filling our treatment center with exemplary, compassionate, and highly trained staff members who make the wellbeing of all program participants our top priority.

When individuals arrive at Structure House in need of care for managing their diabetes, our multidisciplinary treatment teams will do everything in their power to ensure that not only is healthy weight loss successfully achieved, but that these individuals are provided with the opportunity to fully learn how to manage and care for their diabetes long after leaving Structure House.

Individuals who present with Diabetes are offered a number of different interventions that are designed to elicit successful and lasting results. Maintaining a standard of clinical excellence and providing an all-encompassing approach to the care we offer, the following programming options may be incorporated into each participant’s treatment plan during his or her time in our program.

Medical care: Participants can elect to meet with a physician who will perform a complete assessment of one’s diabetic history, medications, and lifestyle. Throughout the course of the program, adjustments to or eliminations of certain diabetic medications will occur in conjunction with best practices for helping participants achieve their weight loss goals and establish healthy lifestyle changes.

Nutrition counseling: Keeping in mind the importance of managing nutritional needs, and knowing how challenging doing so can be for individuals with diabetes, Structure House offers nutritional counseling for participants. These sessions are designed to provide participants with an opportunity to receive expert counseling that pertains specifically to each individual’s unique nutritional needs. A registered dietician works diligently with participants to help them sort through information and develop an individualized nutrition plan that works best for them.

Activity management: At Structure House, we know that maintaining an active lifestyle is a crucial element to successfully controlling diabetes. However, we are also aware of the fact that, for individuals who have diabetes and are struggling with weight concerns, adhering to an active lifestyle can pose special risks. For this reason, our fitness experts provide individualized counseling for each participant that guides him or her through discovering how he or she can safely achieve the maximum health benefits from an exercise program that will be devised and tailored to meet each individual’s unique needs and skill set.

Cognitive behavior coaching: All participants have access to individual and group life coaching sessions that are based on a cognitive behavioral approach to treatment. Knowing that stress and emotions play an instrumental role in managing glycemic levels, these sessions are designed to help individuals learn specific skills to aid in reducing stress, improving diabetes self-management, and maintaining long-term weight control.

Continuing Care

Continuing care and package options for diabetes management

Once individuals have completed treatment at Structure House, they can benefit from ongoing support and care as they continue on their recovery path. By receiving these services, clients are offered continued encouragement in adhering to the changes that they have made during their time spent at our facility, helping to pave the way for successful and lasting treatment outcomes.

Structure House provides therapy sessions via phone or Internet for participants on an as-needed basis, including weekly sessions when desired. Some participants decide that they need more time at our treatment center and choose to commit to longer-term stays. These extended-stay participants can use our program on a service-by-service basis, depending on what their needs and desires may be. Finally, we offer a return program for Structure House alumni who wish to participate in the core program again.

The intensive program at Structure House is designed to help each person who comes to us meet his or her weight loss goals, learn how to successfully manage their diabetes in a healthy way, and become educated on everything needed to continue to maintain these healthy changes upon returning home. Let the staff at Structure House make this a comfortable process for you as we help you achieve life-changing recovery.

the confidence to believe in myself again

As Seen On
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