Healthy Living Blog

Category: Behavioral Health

The Pro-Ana Movement: Lifestyle or Deathstyle?

“Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” “Hunger hurts, but starving works.” “The difference between want and need is self-control.” “Without food I am beautiful. Without food I am perfect.” Welcome to the Pro-Ana movement, an underground cyberworld full of “thinspiration” –motivational tactics for extreme weight loss behaviors – targeting individuals in the depths of … Read More

Enjoy Those Self-Esteem Boosters!

Do you remember the last time someone gave you a compliment?  If not, it might be because you refused to absorb the compliment, and instead deflected it as inconsequential or even unearned. In our society, humility is still considered a virtue.  But politically correct humility doesn’t benefit anyone.  For example, if someone admires your new … Read More

Train Your Brain with Mindfulness

We used to think that the brain stopped growing and developing in early adulthood, and then after that it was supposedly all downhill from there.  We now know from neuroscience research that the brain continues to change in response to experiences we have throughout our life span; a phenomenon called neuroplasticity.  Research shows that the brain can … Read More

Addicted to Eating But Not to Foods

What was Mother Nature thinking? Somehow our brains were created in a way that makes it possible to become addicted to substances such as heroin, cocaine, tobacco and alcohol. I assure you, this was not Mother Nature’s intention. Long before humans began to use these addictive substances, our brains were designed to foster the survival of our … Read More

preparing me for what it's going to be like in real life

As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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