Healthy Living Blog

Articles by Katie Rickel, PhD, CEO

Dis-Empower the Scale

Maybe you’ve had the experience of waking up one morning after several days of nutritious eating, energetic work-outs, and excitement about some compliments you received about the “glow” you seem to have lately since you have been paying more attention to your self-care.  You use the bathroom, strip down to your birthday suit, and step … Read More

Be On Your Best Breakfast Behavior!

Your mother always told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  However, despite this widely touted piece of conventional wisdom, less than half of Americans actually report regularly fueling their tanks in the morning. Further, if you are attempting to shed a few pounds, consuming that first meal takes on even … Read More

Do You Eat on Autopilot?

We all know the feeling of having arrived at a frequently visited destination and having little to no recollection of the drive there. Does this ever happen to you with food? How many times have you looked down at your empty dinner plate and wondered where your mind was when you were eating your meal? … Read More

the confidence to believe in myself again

As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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