Healthy Living Blog

The Food Diary – Your Partner to Success

Meal Planning

Many weight loss and obesity experts have concluded that this culture has become a “toxic food environment.” It is a food jungle out there and the best way to get through it safely is to have a written plan for meals for each day before the day starts. Overeaters simply cannot afford to leave things up to the last minute and say, “What do I feel like having?” A meal plan is like a map that makes it more likely you will get to your destination.

Food Tracking

Let’s face it – not all eating will go according to plan. The diary needs to be a way of tracking everything that is consumed, whether on or off the plan. If you eat what is on the plan, then be sure to record the quantities or portion sizes. For off plan eating, you need to write things down as soon afterward as possible, including what, and how much was eaten. In the end, the diary is a record of everything you eat, planned and unplanned.

Calorie Consciousness

While magic diets come and go, most nutritionists recognize the basic energy equation of “calories in/calories out” as fundamental to weight loss over the long run. Therefore, part of effective diary keeping is accounting for the calories in the food consumed. Calorie awareness needs to be part of the meal plan as well. Meals should be balanced, maximizing nutrition, and designed to hit a daily calorie target that will result in either maintaining the weight lost, or a slow and steady rate of losing weight.

Identify Unwanted Eating

Driver’s education teaches us that when we approach an intersection that has a yellow blinking light, we should slow down and pay careful attention. Proper use of a diary should distinguish between on target (within the plan) and off target (outside of the plan) eating. If we assume that the planned eating was balanced, nutritious and designed to meet daily nourishment, then unplanned eating is likely to be using food to meet non-nourishment needs. The diary is a beacon that highlights food misuse and serves as a signal to slow down and pay attention.

Trigger Awareness

A food diary enables the user to take an in depth look at their relationship with food, and heightening awareness of the reasons for unwanted eating. Was it repetitive habit eating that occurs at the same time each day? Was it an automatic response to food cues? Was it using food to entertain or reward? Was it eating to escape, distraction or numb emotions or stress? These questions enable a food diary to stretch beyond planning to tracking, becoming a tool for self-reflection. Insights gained from this process become the foundation for relapse prevention.

Weight Monitoring

Experts have differing opinions about the role of the scale in weight loss. Some believe in frequent weighing, some do not. One way to resolve this question is to study “successful losers” to see what they do. Perhaps the largest study of successful people is the National Weight Control Registry, which is tracking more than 4,000 weight losers for more than 12 years. One common denominator that links many of these subjects is frequent (often daily) weighing. Don’t ignore what works for so many; your diary keeping should include a way for you to record (and graph if you like) your daily or frequent weights.

Exercise and Benefits Log

Another finding from the National Registry is that successful losers are active exercisers. Exercise improves health and fitness, burns calories, boosts the metabolism, and maybe, most importantly, helps create the right mindset. I have heard clients say they refrained from a binge by remembering the calories burned in that morning’s exercise session. Using the diary to record all your exercise will help you see the big picture of change and progress. There are other long-term markers of success to track, too. For example, one of my clients noted when she could first go up a flight of stairs, instead of using the elevator; and another client cited her first plane flight without needing the seat belt extension. This use of the diary insures that you will see the forest of accumulated benefits and not just the tree of today’s weight.

When it comes to long-term weight control, no man or woman is an island. Strength of character and willpower are useful qualities to draw on, but they are not enough. Making a food diary your partner will improve your ability to plan and monitor your food intake, as well as heighten your awareness and help you appreciate the benefits of your hard work.

the light started coming back

As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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