Healthy Living Blog

Yearly Archives: 2019

What’s in a Meal Tracker?

Everyone is always looking for that magic bullet when it comes to weight loss. People usually suspect that it is some combination of foods, a certain exercise regimen, or a particular supplement that will guarantee lasting weight loss. However, decades of research have proven that there is one magic bullet that is more powerful than … Read More

The FITT Principle

The FITT principle is a lesser-known phrase that is used to prescribe fitness and exercise recommendations to clients. This principle is taught to future personal trainers, exercise specialists, and exercise physiologists as a way to adjust a client’s workouts incrementally to achieve consistent progression without overloading the client in one area. F.I.T.T. F – Frequency … Read More

What Is a Weight Loss Retreat?

Many participants at Structure House say that they have been researching “weight loss retreats” for years when they arrive at our campus. Whenever I hear this, I am always surprised by what they tell me when I ask them to define weight loss retreat. Some say that they expect to arrive at a live-in weight … Read More

Weight Loss Detox

Weight loss detox plans and cleanses are popular – but what are they, and should you be on one? Our bodies have many of their own natural detoxification systems in place to break down and get rid of a wide range of harmful compounds. While the kidneys can filter out many small molecules and salts, … Read More

The Pro-Ana Movement: Lifestyle or Deathstyle?

“Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” “Hunger hurts, but starving works.” “The difference between want and need is self-control.” “Without food I am beautiful. Without food I am perfect.” Welcome to the Pro-Ana movement, an underground cyberworld full of “thinspiration” –motivational tactics for extreme weight loss behaviors – targeting individuals in the depths of … Read More

Tips for Maintaining Your Motivation & Remaining on the Path of Healthy Weight Loss

“This will be the year!” you tell yourself. This will be the year that you finally start eating right, exercising, and losing those unwanted pounds for good. You concoct a detailed and somewhat elaborate plan, which includes cooking the majority of your meals at home, exercising daily at the local YMCA, and abstaining completely from … Read More

Busting the Myth About Muscle Weight

Myth: Muscle weighs more than fat Fact: One pound of muscle actually weighs the same as one pound of fat: they each weigh one pound! There are, however, two important differences between muscle tissue and fat tissue. For one, fat tissue is bulkier than muscle tissue, so it occupies more space under the skin. Thus, … Read More

the light started coming back

As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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