Healthy Living Blog

Monthly Archives: February 2016

Tools for Reducing Emotional Eating

Joe, the carpenter, is working on a house renovation project. The day’s tasks will involve sawing wood, drilling holes, and sanding finishes. When he opens his toolbox, he discovers all he has is a hammer. If he tried to do the tasks with just the hammer, the job would become a disaster. Now imagine Carol, … Read More

Five Stages For Lifelong Recovery

My experience working at an obesity treatment center suggests that recovery is a dynamic, integrated, lifelong process. There are five core stages for success that can function as a map, providing steps and strategies in the healing journey. Stage 1: Starters Often a crisis moves people to change, as though they are driving in a … Read More

3 Great Foods for Heart Health

February is the American Heart Association’s Heart Health Month. What better way to keep your heart healthy than to fuel your body with foods that will help achieve this goal. Three foods that are especially helpful in keeping your heart healthy are white beans, salmon and tea. White Beans are high in potassium, a mineral that … Read More

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As Seen On
Dr. Phil
USA Today

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